This is one of Jenny’s all time favourite pranayama techniques. Here she shares some background on this technique and why you should incorporate it into your practice.

This breathing technique has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine and yoga, where it’s thought to harmonise the two hemispheres of the brain, resulting in a balanced in physical, mental and emotional well-being. While science has yet to really explore what might be going on in terms of hemispheric functioning during this practice, recent studies have confirmed some pretty powerful effects of this practice - and I can definitely feel it after practising this.


So here are LOADS of good reasons for practicing this pranayama:

  1. It improves attention and coordination - because it provides equal amounts of oxygen to both sides of your brain. It is a great exercise to do before an important event where you need greater focus, like and exam, interview, or important meeting!  

  2. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces blood pressure.

  3. It enhances respiratory function and increases respiratory strength and endurance.

  4. Helps to regulate body temperature. The left nostril is considered to be calm, cooling, feminine and nurturing. The right nostril, on the other hand, is associated with masculinity, heat, force and competition.

It is good for our hearts, good for our lungs, and good for our heads!!

How to:

  1. Sit in any comfortable seated position. Relax the body and breath naturally for a few moments, allowing your mind and body to settle.

  2. Rest your left hand on your lap or knee.

  3. Fold the fourth finger toward the palm. Bring the two peace fingers(nearest thumb) together and place on your third eye. Place your thumb gently onto your right nostril. Place your ring and little fingers gently onto your left nostril.

  4. Close your eyes and begin by taking a deep inhale in and out of both nostrils. Then softly closing your right nostril (using your right thumb) and inhale slowly, deeply, smoothly, gently and without strain through your left nostril.

  5. Close your left nostril (using your little finger) and release closure of your right. Exhale through your right nostril. Inhale through your right nostril.

  6. Close your right nostril and release closure of your left. Exhale through your left nostril.

  7. This completes one round. Continue the pattern from steps 4-7 for as long as you wish. When you’re finished: relax both arms, sit and breathe naturally for a few moments before opening your eyes.

Have a go + flow:

These flows all start with a short session on Alternate Nostril breathing, feel free to extend your time here to about 5 minutes. It’ll leave you feeling calm, grounded and ready to face the day.

Link to the flows!


