At Balance + Glo we love sleep! We know how important it is for our bodies, our minds and our overall wellbeing.

Looking after your circadian rhythm, your body’s internal clock, is key for a blissful night’s sleep. Your circadian rhythm is typically 24 hours and follows the movement of the sun. Helping this natural internal system will help create the right environment for beautiful, restful sleep.

Yoga teacher Emma Humfrey has these 8 💤 inducing tips to help you sleep better, feeling refreshed and ready for the next day.

#1 Try consistent sleep times

Go to bed and wake up at similar times each day, even at the weekends. This becomes an anchor to your day, particularly your waking up time. As the day goes on your sleep drive gradually builds and the desire to sleep will kick in when sleep pressure is strong enough. This will usually be around the same time each night if you wake up the same time each morning. This consistency will help to maintain your circadian rhythm. 

#2 Get as much sunlight as possible

Getting exposure to sunlight daily is crucial in these winter month. It is harder but getting out for 30 minutes to an hour between 9am and 3pm will really help reinforce your circadian rhythm. Your exposure to sunlight first thing in the morning after waking helps with wakefulness in the day and allows you to sleep better at night.  

#3 Turn screens off at the end of the day

Blue light from screens can impact the body’s release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Putting your phone away and turning the TV off at least one hour before bed, dimming the lights and doing something like reading your favourite book, listening to music, or having a bath will help your senses and mind wind down. Your body will become aware of the increasing darkness, releasing melatonin so you become sleepy.

#4 Get active

As well as a host of other benefits like lowering blood pressure and increasing mood boosting hormones, activity during the daytime can help you have a better night’s sleep. And anything outside is a big yes for that exposure to sunlight. However, try and avoid exercising too close to bedtime as this can disrupt your sleep.  

#5 Write it down

If you struggle with racing thoughts before sleep, try writing down your ‘to do’ list or any worries you have. This is a great way to release stress before bed. If you are lingering on something that is bothering you write it down along with some ways you may be able to solve the problem or reframe it so you can let go.

#6 Calm the caffeine

Avoid caffeine and stimulants like alcohol between 8-10 hours before bedtime. These may help calm you initially but disturb your sleep during the night leaving you feeling exhausted the morning after.

#7 Eat zzzz inducing foods before bed if hunger strikes

🍒 Cherries are a natural source of melatonin. Studies have found that the fruit can help you stay asleep longer and improve the quality of your sleep.

🍌 Bananas are rich in magnesium and have been found to significantly increase melatonin.

🥝 The sleep-promoting effects of kiwis are sometimes attributed to serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps regulate your sleep cycle.

🌰 Walnuts, renowned as a good source of healthy fats, also have a high melatonin content that can lead to a longer night of uninterrupted sleep.

🦃 Turkey is one of the most famous sources of tryptophan. Tryptophan is used to make serotonin and melatonin. So if a serving of fruit or nuts won’t do the trick, consider a simple turkey sandwich instead.

🌸 Chamomile tea (ok it’s a drink!) has some unique properties that may improve sleep quality. Specifically, chamomile tea contains apigenin. This antioxidant binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia.

Ideally you want eat these 2-3 hours before bed, as eating them too close to going to sleep may cause some discomfort.  

#8 Try meditation and mindfulness

Instead of 'trying' to sleep, why not try some breath-work or meditation. Taking slow, deep breaths is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and promote a good nights sleep. Try this lovely 5 minute Bedtime Meditation with Jenny and let go of any anxieties from your day.


